Learn How to Make an Elegant 3D Origami Rose from Scratch

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Learn How to Make an Elegant 3D Origami Rose from Scratch


The origami rose may be a bit tricky to do, but with lots of patience and practice, you will be able to create this intricate masterpiece beautifully. For this origami activity, use thin origami paper. That way, you can curl the rose petals to make them look softer and more realistic. The paper used in the instruction below uses a a red colored origami paper. You may use any color you want for your paper flower

Step 1

Create a waterbomb base of the origami flower

How to fold an Origami Rose - Step 01

Get a square piece of origami paper. Lay it on a flat surface and fold it crosswise and lengthwise in half. Crease the folds well and then unfold.

How to fold an Origami Rose - Step 02

For the second step, flip the origami paper and then diagonally fold along the dashed lines as shown. Crease well and unfold.

How to fold an Origami Rose - Step 03

Form a waterbomb base by pushing the paper from both sides.

How to fold an Origami Rose - Step 04

As you push the sides in, the background triangle should form. Hold it down as you continue to bring both sides together.

Step 2

Make squash folds

How to fold an Origami Rose - Step 05

Diagonally fold upwards the top right corner of the topmost layer to the top corner. Follow along the dashed line as shown in the image above.

How to fold an Origami Rose - Step 06

Pry open the layers of the flap made in the previous step.

How to fold an Origami Rose - Step 07

Lift the topmost flap as you pry it open and then squash.

How to fold an Origami Rose - Step 08

Fold the bottom left corner of the topmost layer upwards.

How to fold an Origami Rose - Step 09

The squash fold made on the right side is done. Repeat the squash fold on the left side as well.

How to fold an Origami Rose - Step 10

Once you have done the previous step, bring upwards the small flap located at the bottom middle part of the paper.

How to fold an Origami Rose - Step 11

Repeat steps 5 to 10 on the back side of the origami paper as well.

Step 3

Form the origami paper into a diamond

How to fold an Origami Rose - Step 12

Like flipping a page from a book, flip the left side to the right side and then do the same at the back.

How to fold an Origami Rose - Step 13

Bring the bottom left and right corner of the topmost layer to the center,

How to fold an Origami Rose - Step 14

Do the same on the back side of the origami paper. This time do this on the bottom corners of the back layers.

How to fold an Origami Rose - Step 15

Face the side of the origami paper to where the arrow is pointed

Step 4

Pry open the flaps

How to fold an Origami Rose - Step 16

Once the direction of the arrow is facing towards you. Gently pull the bottom and top flaps in the opposite direction.

How to fold an Origami Rose - Step 17

Keep pulling it halfway.

How to fold an Origami Rose - Step 18

Once you have pulled it halfway, flatten it. The origami paper should now look like this.

How to fold an Origami Rose - Step 19

Flip it over to the other side. The origami paper should now look like this.

Step 5

Twist it to form a rose

How to fold an Origami Rose - Step 20

To form the petals of the rose, gently twist the origami paper.

How to fold an Origami Rose - Step 21

Keep twisting it in an inwards motion.

How to fold an Origami Rose - Step 22

Once you have twisted it tightly, gently loosen and fix the petals to form the lovely layers of the paper flower.

How to fold an Origami Rose - Finish

The origami rose is done!

Extra Tips

  • Want to learn a fancy way to fold a leaf that pairs well with paper flowers? Learn how to fold a leaf here.
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