Discover How to Make a Flapping Bird Origami

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Discover How to Make a Flapping Bird Origami


Learn to make an origami flapping bird! If you’re familiar with the traditional Japanese origami crane, then this activity might be a lot easier for you. This flapping bird is the simpler version of that bird origami. What’s great about this paper origami is that it can flap its wing when you pull the paper correctly.

The origami flapping bird may resemble the traditional crane, but it is much easier to make. Just follow the instruction below so you can have your bird origami to play with.

Have fun while folding the guide and enjoy even more when you are done with the origami flapping bird. Goodluck.

Step 1

Make a square base of the flapping bird origami

How to fold an Origami Flapping Bird - Step 01

Get a piece of origami paper, preferably a paper that has one color on one side. To make this bird origami, you will need to make a bird base. To do so, crease the paper diagonally along the dashed lines.

How to fold an Origami Flapping Bird - Step 02

In Step 2, crease the origami paper along the dashed lines. To make the crease, fold the paper crosswise and lengthwise in half, then unfold. Orientate it into a diamond after.

How to fold an Origami Flapping Bird -Step 03

The creases of your square origami should look like this. To make a bird fold, you need to make a square fold first. Push the paper into a smaller square by bringing together the bottom left corner to the top left corner.

How to fold an Origami Flapping Bird -Step 04

Once you bring the corners together, the paper should look like the image above. Now flatten it into a square.

Bring the left and right corners to the middle crease. Fold the top layer ONLY

Step 2

Create the petal fold

How to fold an Origami Flapping Bird -Step 04

Fold the top corner downwards.

How to fold an Origami Flapping Bird -Step 06

Unfold the 3 outer flaps made from the previous two steps.

How to fold an Origami Flapping Bird -Step 07

Gently lift the bottom corner of the outer flap to the top.

How to fold an Origami Flapping Bird -Step 08

Keep bringing the bottom corner to the top. It should now look like the image above.

How to fold an Origami Flapping Bird -Step 09

Turn the origami paper on the other side.

How to fold an Origami Flapping Bird -Step 010

Do the exact process that you just did with the first side. Fold in the three corners on this side to make crease marks. Crease well and then unfold.

How to fold an Origami Flapping Bird -Step 011

Gently lift the yellow dot again.

How to fold an Origami Flapping Bird -Step 012

Keep bringing the bottom corner to the top. It should now look like the image above.

How to fold an Origami Flapping Bird -Step 013

This is what the petal fold should look like. The next step is to make a reverse fold on both sides’ bottom corners. Crease along the dotted lines first. Then, follow the direction of the arrows to make the reverse fold.

Step 3

Create the head, wing and tail of the origami bird

How to fold an Origami Flapping Bird -Step 014

The left corner will be the head of your origami flapping bird. Make an inside reverse fold to form the head. To make an inside reverse fold, pry open the top tip. Then push it down inwards to the center, then flatten.

How to fold an Origami Flapping Bird -Step 015

Pull the right tip downwards to make the tail.

How to fold an Origami Flapping Bird -Step 016

The outer layers will be the wings of the bird origami. Fold the front wings downwards.

How to fold an Origami Flapping Bird -Step 017

Almost done! Repeat the fold on the back wing.

How to fold an Origami Flapping Bird -Finish

Your origami flapping bird is done! To make the wings of your bird flap, hold the tail up and down. Congratulations, did you enjoy making the flapping bird?

Extra Tips

  • Take your time and be patient. Follow the steps closely but don't forget to have fun.
  • Fold straight and apply enough pressure. If you make mistakes and need another piece of paper, get another piece of paper. It simply won't look good if there are unnecessary crease lines.
  • Don't forget to check our other origami guides.
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