Noah’s ark – during the great flood the animals sought shelter in the ship. We all know the story, but do you know how to make a paper plate boat like Noah’s Ark?
This guide will detail all the steps on how to make one. ‘And what about the animals?’, you ask. No problem, as you will be making use of our origami animals which we also have guides on. Elephants, dogs, crabs, you name it – just take a look at our origami section.
And oh, the things you’ll need are easily available and the process is simple. Have fun making this guide with your family members and friends!
- Brush ( fine and wide)
- Scissors
- Oil pastel
- Drawing pens
- Pen
- 2 Paper plate
- Poster paint (brown, violet, green, yellow, black, red, orange, blue)
- Glue
- Colored paper ( different colors)
Make a Basket Shape
Don't worry you won't be making a basket - this is a paper plate boat guide. But you will be cutting a paper plate so that it'll look like a basket initially. Prepare to fold the paper plate in half.
After folding the paper plate in half, draw the dashed lines on your paper plate. And get your scissors!
Then cut along the marks you made.
As you can see, there is a semi-circle hole in your paper plate and it's symmetrical. Good job, now it's time for some painting.
Paint a Rainbow
Get your poster paints ready and have your brushes close by. You will be painting the paper plate.
Paint the outer edges of the upper part with red, orange, and yellow.
Then paint it with green,blue and violet. Make sure that the thickness of each color is the same. Good job so far!
Make Noah's Ark
Fold another paper plate in half like last time. Take a look at the dotted lines in the image above.
Now, draw on your paper plate the dotted lines. And get your scissors again.
And cut of course! You'll see something awesome in the next step.
Unfold it. And there you have it a paper plate in the shape of an ark. Good job! You still need to do work though.
Paint the Paper Plate Boat
Get your brown poster paint and brush. A bigger brush is preferable in this case.
Now, paint the paper plate brown evenly.
And with the use of your black marker, make outlines. Use the paint to make the window and three circular holes in the middle. You could go with your own designs with this step.
Then glue the ship into the previous paper plate. This is what it should look like right now.
And then get your assorted colored papers. When making the origamis make sure to draw some details into each animal.
Then fold the paper into origami animals. You might want to check out our origami section for this part. And after making the origamis glue them into the boat into different places.
Congratulations you have finished making the Noah's ark paper plate craft.
Origami Suggestions
This is the origami snake. You can draw the snake's pattern.
This one is the origami bunny. Draw its eyes.
This is the origami hopping frog. Remember, we have guides for all these origamis.
This is the elephant origami.
This dog has white fur and brown markings. What will yours look like.
This is the crab origami.
This is the chicken origami.
And here are all the origami animals featured in our guide. You could choose other animals of course. And don't forget to take a look at our origami and paper plate craft articles.
Extra Tips
- Be creative in designing the origamis and the ship itself.
- Wait for the paint to dry before proceeding to the next step.
- Check out our origami section for more origami animals and for the individual guides themselves.