Learn How to Make a Paper Plate Flower

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Learn How to Make a Paper Plate Flower


Making a paper plate flower can be easy with some help with our tutorial below! Using some paints and sequins, you can have a sparkly and pretty paper flower which you can use to decorate any room! It is also a great bonding activity for parents and children to do!

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  • Paintbrush
  • Scissors


  • 2 Paper Plates
  • White, Red, and Green Poster Paint
  • Sequins (or small beads, seeds. etc)
  • Glue
How to Make a Paper Plate Flower - Materials
How to Make a Paper Plate Flower - Materials
Step 1

Create the outer layer of the paper plate flower

How to Make a Paper Plate Flower - Step 1

Get one paper plate and fold it in half.

How to Make a Paper Plate Flower - Step 2

Cut along the dashed line to create a smaller circle then unfold.

How to Make a Paper Plate Flower - Step 3

Snip some small triangles to make the petals of the paper plate. Follow along the dashed line as illustrated above.

How to Make a Paper Plate Flower - Step 4

The first bottom layer of the paper flower is done. Next is to make the top layer!

Step 2

Cutout the inner layer of the paper plate flower

How to Make a Paper Plate Flower - Step 1

Grab another paper plate and fold it in half.

How to Make a Paper Plate Flower - Step 5

Cut along the dashed line as illustrated in the sample image above.

How to Make a Paper Plate Flower - Step 6

Unfold the paper plate and set aside the leftover cutout. Do not discard the leftover because we will recycle them to make the leaves.

How to Make a Paper Plate Flower - Step 7

Again, snip some small triangles to make the petals of the paper plate. Follow along the dashed line as illustrated above.

How to Make a Paper Plate Flower - Step 8

The top layer of the paper plate flower is done! Set it aside for now.

Step 3

Cut some leaves

How to Make a Paper Plate Flower - Step 9

Keep the leftover cutout folded in half. Now cut along the dashed line as illustrated above.

How to Make a Paper Plate Flower - Step 10

Once cut, unfold it so that they look like this. These diamond-shaped cutouts will be the leaves of the paper plate flower.

Step 4

Paint the outer flower with light pink

How to Make a Paper Plate Flower - Step 11

Paint the bigger flower paper plate with pink by mixing red and white.

For this project, we chose a pink and red color combination for the flower craft but you can choose any color you like.

How to Make a Paper Plate Flower - Step 12

Once painted, set it aside to dry.

Step 5

Color the inner flower red

How to Make a Paper Plate Flower - Step 13

Grab the smaller paper plate flower and paint it red.

You may choose a different color that you like.

How to Make a Paper Plate Flower - Step 14

Once painted, set it aside to dry.

Step 6

Assemble the flower

How to Make a Paper Plate Flower - Step 15

Place the smaller flower on top of the bigger flower.

How to Make a Paper Plate Flower - Step 16

Stick them together using glue.

Step 7

Stick some sequins at the center

How to Make a Paper Plate Flower - Step 17

To make the flower extra pretty, stick some sequins at the center.

How to Make a Paper Plate Flower - Step 18

The sequins will be the pistil of the flower.

How to Make a Paper Plate Flower - Step 19

Besides sequins. you may paste other materials such as beads, seeds or use some glitter or markers to decorate the flower.

Step 8

Make the stem and leaves

How to Make a Paper Plate Flower - Step 20

Grab a wooden popsicle stick and the leaf cutouts and paint them green.

How to Make a Paper Plate Flower - Step 21

Let it dry for a bit and flip them over.

How to Make a Paper Plate Flower - Step 23

Glue the leaves to the back of the popsicle stick.

How to Make a Paper Plate Flower - Step 24

Once you have assembled them, flip the stem over.

How to Make a Paper Plate Flower - Step 25

The plant stem with leaves is now done!

Step 9

Connect the flower and stem with glue

How to Make a Paper Plate Flower - Step 26

Get the paper plate flower and stick it on top of the green stem

How to Make a Paper Plate Flower - Finish

The paper plate flower is done. A great idea would be to create several differently colored flowers and stick them to a pot!

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