➤ Create a 3D Origami Lotus Flower Step-by-Step Instructions

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➤ Create a 3D Origami Lotus Flower Step-by-Step Instructions


Making a beautiful origami lotus can be an easy task with the help of this origami instruction. This lotus origami is simple and quick to make. And once finished, this would make an eye-catching decoration anywhere or at any event.

Use a thin piece of origami paper to make this origami. Also, it would be better to use single-sided colored paper such as the illustration below. That way, it is easier to curl the paper, and the instructions will be a lot simpler to follow.

So, get that a piece of square paper and read the guide to start mastering the origami lotus! Enjoy.

Step 1

Fold the origami base of the paper lotus

How to fold an Origami Lotus - Step 01

Start with a square piece of origami paper. Make diagonal crease marks by folding along the dashed lines as shown. Crease the paper well and unfold.

How to fold an Origami Lotus - Step 02

Bring all four corners to the center. The center of the paper is the intersection of the crease lines made in the first step.

How to fold an Origami Lotus - Step 03

Repeat the second step on this instruction. Bring all the four corners to center.

How to fold an Origami Lotus - Step 04

It now looks like a smaller square. This will be the base of the origami lotus. Now flip it over to the other side and proceed to the next set of steps.

Step 2

Form the petals of the origami lotus flower

How to fold an Origami Lotus - Step 05

Bring all four corners to the center.

How to fold an Origami Lotus - Step 06

Rotate the origami paper 45 degrees counter clockwise.

How to fold an Origami Lotus - Step 07

Follow along the dashed lines and fold inwards a small section of each corner. Each flap made for this origami flower will be the petals.

Step 3

Shape the petals into a lotus flower

How to fold an Origami Lotus - Step 08

To shape the paper into a lotus, hold down the small triangle while pulling the back flap outwards to the front.

How to fold an Origami Lotus - Step 09

This is what the top right corner should look like. Repeat the same to the other triangles to make the flap.

How to fold an Origami Lotus - Step 010

There should be 4 flaps at the back of the model. Pull it outwards to the front.

How to fold an Origami Lotus - Step 011

Lastly,mold each petal inwards like a ball.

How to fold an Origami Lotus - Finish

Your traditional origami lotus is done!

Extra Tips

  • You may use this paper flower as a beautiful décor in any event and place.
  • Level up this origami flower by adding a leaf. Use a smaller size origami paper to make the actual lotus flower. Then, use a green one to make a lily pad like our thumbnail.
  • There are various kinds of paper origami flowers! Discover numerous ways to make it here!
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