Easy Origami Fish Instructions with Diagrams

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Easy Origami Fish Instructions with Diagrams


There are many ways of making an origami fish. This simple step-by-step instruction is just one of many that will teach you how to make one. This instruction’s steps are quite long but don’t worry since most of the steps only require simple folds.

You can always return to this guide whenever you forget the steps, so don’t worry. And given time and several tries, the origami fish will be something you can make by heart.

Enjoy reading the instruction. And make sure to spread the joy by sharing the steps with curious friends and playmates.

Step 1

Fold the Paper in Half

How to fold an Origami Fish- Step 01

Lay a square diagonal paper flat in front of you. It should be positioned such that it resembles a diamond.

How to fold an Origami Fish- Step 02

Then fold the paper in half. Fold the top corner towards the bottom.

Step 2

Work on The Front Part of the Paper

How to fold an Origami Fish- Step 03

For this set of steps you will be working on this side of the paper. Fold the left and corners downwards towards the middle.

How to fold an Origami Fish- Step 04

Fold the top layer upwards along the dashed lines

How to fold an Origami Fish- Step 05

Then diagonally fold along the dashed lines.

How to fold an Origami Fish- Step 06

And fold the next layer upwards as shown by the dashed lines.

Step 3

Fold the Paper into a Heart

How to fold an Origami Fish- Step 07

Turn the paper to the other side.

How to fold an Origami Fish- Step 08

Fold the bottom corner towards the top corner.

How to fold an Origami Fish- Step 09

Begin to pry it open. This is a bottom view of the paper.

How to fold an Origami Fish- Step 010

After prying and flattening it, your origami paper should look like this. Now it is time to proceed to the next set of steps.

Step 4

Make the Tail of the Origami Fish

How to fold an Origami Fish- Step 011

Bring the left and right downwards together.

How to fold an Origami Fish- Step 012

Then cut along the dash lines. to make the tail.

How to fold an Origami Fish- Finish

Fold the flap towards the right to create the fish's tail. Your origami fish is done! You may decorate your fish however you like! Looking for a “fishy” challenge? Try making the origami goldfish! It's a slightly tricky version of this fish.

Extra Tips

  • Make sure to follow the steps closely. Focus but don't forget to have fun.
  • Check out some of our other awesome origamis!
  • Make sure to make straight folds, and apply enough pressure all the way when folding.
  • There are plenty more fish in the sea! We're not talking about relationships. We literally have tons of fish paper crafts instruction that you can learn and enjoy! Browse through our folding instructions to discover more under-the-sea crafts!
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  1. The steps are explained clearly enough that I think kids can easily get this. That said, i will give my niece 5 bucks if she can nail this fish


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