Learn to fold a 3D Origami Dragon’s Head | Step-by-Step Instructions

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Learn to fold a 3D Origami Dragon’s Head | Step-by-Step Instructions


Create a fantastic 3D origami of a dragon’s head by following the instructions below.  To make this origami, you will need a sturdy piece of origami paper. Thanks to this guide, this is an intermediate fold, but anybody can do this fold. Once finished, you may draw some eyes to your paper dragon to bring it to life!

Enjoy learning all the steps in creating the dragon’s head. And don’t forget to check some of our other excellent folds.

Step 1

Crease the paper to make a square fold

How to Make an Origami Dragon

You will need a square piece of paper to do this easy dragon head. The first step is to make a square base. To do this base fold, you must fold the paper diagonally to the left and to the right. Then, crease the paper well and unfold.

How to Make an Origami Dragon

The next step is to make crease marks horizontally and vertically in the middle. Mountain fold the paper in half and then crease the paper well and unfold.

Step 2

Make a square base for the origami dragon instructions

How to fold an Origami Dragon

Collapse the paper along the crease marks made. Bring the top right corner and the bottom left corner together. It will also help if you bring the top left and bottom right corners together.

How to Make an Origami Dragon

Collapse the origami until it looks like the image above. This is the square base.

Bring the bottom outer flap upward. Make sure to fold the outer layer ONLY along the dashed line.

Step 3

Shape the head of the origami dragon

How to Make an Origami Dragon

Diagonally fold the left and right corners of the topmost layer to the center.

How to Make an Origami Dragon

Fold the top corner downwards to the middle. Follow the direction of the arrow.

How to Make an Origami Dragon

This is what your origami paper should look like now. Flip the form to the other side. We will repeat the previous steps on this side.

How to Make an Origami Dragon

Bring the bottom outer flap upward. Make sure to fold the outer layer ONLY along the dashed line.

How to Make an Origami Dragon

Diagonally fold the left and right corners of the outer layer to the middle.

How to Make an Origami Dragon

Same as we did on the other side. Fold the top corner downwards to the middle.

How to Make an Origami Dragon

Rotate the paper dragon head 45 degrees counterclockwise.

How to Make an Origami Dragon

Gently pull apart the sides of the origami to make the dragon’s head into a 3D paper model.

How to Make an Origami Dragon

Roar! Your paper dragon’s head is done. Congratulations, for more awesome folds check out the suggested origamis below.

Extra Tips

  • Are dragons reptiles or birds? Hard to tell to classify fictional animals! Whether you think it looks like a reptile or a bird because it flies, it's really up to you and how you classify this magnificent beast! If you're interested in other animals (whether it would be a reptile or a bird), do check out our other origami animal tutorials and you might learn a fascinating trivia about other species there!
  • Want to make your paper dragon come to life? Decorate it with scales and give it a face!
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