Discover How to Easily Make an Origami Crab

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Discover How to Easily Make an Origami Crab


In this origami activity, we are going to make a fantastic origami crab. Crabs are known for their pincers and their thick exoskeleton. This instruction will teach you how to make origami that resembles the crab’s shape and form. The instructions for this origami are relatively easy. It is excellent for beginners who want to know more about paper origami. Although, we have a simpler origami crab that you can check out if you want to. Also, you spice up your paper crab by adding a pair of googly eyes and drawing some details. Enjoy the guide!  

Step 1

Make Creases

How to fold an Origami Crab - Step 01

Get a piece of origami paper and lay it flat.

How to fold an Origami Crab - Step 02

Then make two crease lines. Fold it in half vertically and unfold. And then fold it horizontally. Next, unfold it.

How to fold an Origami Crab - Step 03

After making the crease line, it's time to make more crease lines. Fold it diagonally twice and follow the dashed lines while doing so.

Step 2

Make a Waterbomb Base

How to fold an Origami Crab - Step 04

Start pushing the paper from both sides, as shown by the arrows. The crease marks will help you push the paper into a waterbomb base fold.

How to fold an Origami Crab - Step 05

As you push the sides in, the background triangle should form. Hold it down as you continue to bring both sides together.

How to fold an Origami Crab - Step 06

This is what your origami paper should look like when you are halfway through flattening it.

How to fold an Origami Crab - Step 07

Squash the paper to flatten it. You have now made a waterbomb base.

Step 3

Make the Crab

How to fold an Origami Crab - Step 08

Rotate the origami paper 180 degrees counter-clockwise.

How to fold an Origami Crab - Step 09

Fold the top layer of the right and left corner downward as shown. Fold the top layer of the paper ONLY.

How to fold an Origami Crab - Step 010

Mountain fold the left and right flaps to the insides made in the previous step. A mountain fold is when you fold the paper backward or away from you.

How to fold an Origami Crab - Step 011

Turn the origami crab to the other side.

How to fold an Origami Crab - Step 012

Fold the bottom corner upwards.

How to fold an Origami Crab - Step 013

Bring the top edge of the origami paper crab downwards.

How to fold an Origami Crab - Step 014

Make the origami crab’s arms/pincer by folding along the dashed lines.

How to fold an Origami Crab - Finish

You’re almost done! Turn the origami paper to the other side. Your origami crab is done! This would make an awesome décor anywhere. There’s another version of this crab origami, try it yourself!

Extra Tips

  • Make sure to fold properly. Apply enough pressure and make the lines straight.
  • Enjoy the process! Do it a few more times and you'll be pretty good at it.
  • Be attentive to each step.
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