If you love turning napkins into flowers, then you’ll love this lotus napkin folding! Learn how to make a blooming lotus napkin with detailed pictures and instructions. The blooming lotus napkin fold guide is here to teach you how to make a beautiful flower napkin and give your guests something nice to look at while they enjoy their meals. This flower napkin fold is presented as a challenge because of the intricacy and beauty of this beautiful design. It’s perfect for any fancy occasion, so you may want to create a few in advance just in case your guests order a meal off the menu that requires such a fold.
Shape the base of the lotus napkin into a diamond
Let's create the base of this flower napkin. Lay the napkin in front of you. It's best to use a cloth napkin to make softer petals and that it must be a square.
Fold one corner to the middle. You will fold the napkin into a smaller diamond.
Bring the other three corners to middle. You should have something like in the picture above.
Turn the flower napkin's diamond base into a smaller diamond
Rotate the diamond into a square. Fold one corner to the middle again.
Then do the same for the remaining corners. You now have a napkin that's still a square but smaller.
Flip it over and rotate it into a diamond. Let's start making the petals of the lotus napkin!
Create the petals of the lotus napkin folding
Fold one corner to the middle again.
Repeat the previous step for the remaining corners.
To make a petal, hold down a corner (yellow dot) while pulling the back flap outwards to the front.
Repeat the same step to the other corners to make the lotus petals.
The lotus napkin folding is almost done! One last step!
Make the outer petals of the lotus flower napkin
There should be 4 flaps at the back of the model. Pull it outwards to the front. These will be the outer petals of the flower napkin,
Your origami lotus napkin is done! You may use this flower napkin as a beautiful décor in any event and place.
Extra Tips
- This lotus flower napkin is meant to look softer which is why we highly recommend that you use a soft cloth napkin. We have a similar instruction instruction called the water lily napkin which is a bit similar to this napkin but paper napkin is used. Check it out here here!