Discover How to Make a Quick and Easy Dollar Bill Origami Duck

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Discover How to Make a Quick and  Easy Dollar Bill Origami Duck


Making an origami duck is easy. Using a piece of a dollar bill or any piece of rectangular paper with the exact dimensions of the bill, you can have your own version of this paper bird.

This short guide utilizes quick-to-the-point instructions below clear images. This is an excellent activity for kids and beginners, folding a duck from a dollar is super quick and easy to do.

Have fun folding!

Step 1

Build the base of the dollar bill origami duck

How to Make an Origami Duck - Step 01

Lay a dollar bill on the table. Take note; you could also use a different paper but ensure the dimensions are the same.

The first thing to do after laying the dollar bill is to fold it crosswise in half.

How to Make an Origami Duck - Step 02

Crease it well, then unfold.

How to Make an Origami Duck - Step 03.1

Fold the corners of the paper towards the middle. Use the crease line made beforehand as guide.

How to Make an Origami Duck - Step 03.2

Bring the top and bottom corners of the left triangle to the center. Follow along the dashed lines as shown.

Step 2

Create the head and body base of the origami money duck

How to Make an Origami Duck - Step 04

Now, flip the dollar bill to the other side.

How to Make an Origami Duck - Step 05

Bring the left corner towards the right corner.

How to Make an Origami Duck - Step 06

Fold the right corner of the top layer to the left side. It's up to you how much you fold to make this flap. This will be the head/beak or the paper duck origami.

How to Make an Origami Duck - Step 07

Mountain fold the dollar bill crosswise by bringing the top edge towards the bottom edge. Great job, now it's time to move to the set of steps.

How to Make an Origami Duck - Step 08

Diagonally lift the left outer layer upwards. Once lifted, this will be the head and neck of the origami duck.

Step 3

Shape the head and tails of the paper duck


Lift the beak/head of the origami duck slightly upward. For the tail of your duck, bring the corner to the back.


Your dollar bill origami of a duck is done! For more awesome dollar origami, check out the articles below!

Extra Tips

  • Make sure to apply enough pressure when making creases and folds. A dollar bill is quite thick.
  • Money does not tear easily but it is prone to get crumpled. Practice with fake money or a rectangular piece of paper first if you're planning to give the bill/s as a gift.
  • Remember, it is highly advisable that you should not cut, burn, staple, and/or iron banknotes. Handle it with care
  • Ducks represent happiness and good luck! So if you want to wish someone a good fortune, then you might consider giving this paper bird as a gift to someone special.
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