Learn how to make an origami bookmark with this tutorial below. What’s great about this bookmark is that a crane looks like it’s sitting on top of a book when the bookmark is pressed on the pages.
You can use paper that has the same ratio and proportions of the sides as the dollar bill. This fold is moderately hard but it can be done in around two minutes. Once you’ve mastered it with this article of course!
Enjoy, take your time, and show this awesome origami to friends.
Prepare the base of the dollar bill crease mark
Lay a crisp dollar bill flat in front of you on a table.
Fold the bills vertically three times. Make sure to divide the bills into four equal parts.
Crease the fold made and then unfold it.
Bring the lower left corner towards the right edge. Follow along the dashed line.
Crease the dollar bill well and then unfold.
Bring the bottom right corner to the left edge.
Unfold again. You have now made important crease marks.
Create a waterbomb base
In this set of steps, you'll be using the crease marks at the lower portion of the bill. Make a vertical crease mark by mountain folding and unfolding along the intersection of the X crease mark.
To make a waterbomb base, Begin to pinch the sides of the bottom part as you lift the dollar bill upwards.
As you bring it upwards, flatten it to form the waterbomb base.
This is what the dollar bill should look like after you have compressed it. Great job, Fold the left edge of the topmost flap to the middle.
Make the base of crane for the origami bookmark
Lift the topmost flap upwards.
As you lift the topmost flap, pry it open .
Pry it open and then squash.
Once you have made the squash fold, make a diagonal fold on that squash fold.
Shape the body and tail of the dollar bill bookmark
Lift the bottom right edge of the top flap to the right.
Repeat the squash fold on the right flap. Lift the right flap upward then pry it open and then squash.
Fold along the diagonal dashed lines as shown. Make sure to fold only on the squash fold.
Bring the bottom left edge of the squash fold to the right edge.
Fold along the diagonal dashed lines as shown. Make sure to fold only on the squash fold.
Make an inside reverse old on the top layer of the dollar bill. This will be the head of the crane bookmark.
Fold the head downwards in a diagonal fold to make an inside reverse fold.
Tip:To make a reverse fold, fold the tip down to make a crease. Then, refold so that the layers are inside.
Shape the dollar bill into a bookmark
Fold the bottom tip halfway (from the waterbomb base) to the back side of the dollar bill.
Mountain fold the bottom section of the model. As you bring it downwards, the dollar bill’s left and right sides will pull inwards naturally.
Keep bringing the left and right edges to the middle and then flatten it.
Rotate the crane to the top then flip it over.
Your Dollar Bill Bookmark is done! Try putting it in between the pages of a book and have the origami crane sit elegantly on top of it.
Extra Tips
- If you don’t want to use a dollar bill then you may use any piece of rectangular paper to make this bookmark.