Create this origami cross using a piece of a dollar bill! What’s special about this origami cross is that the “IN GOD WE TRUST” inscription of the 1$ bill is at the cross’s center. For this activity, this tutorial will illustrate the dollar bill’s side with the “ONE” printed on the tutorial below. That way, it is easier to follow on how to make this origami dollar cross.
Have fun making this fold, and don’t forget to share this trick once you learn it to your friends.
Fold the Dollar Bill Like An Accordion
Lay a dollar bill in front of you flat. Make sure it is crisp and in landscape position. Also, you must be facing the side of the dollar bill that does not have a President's face.
Fold the top edge towards the back. Make sure that by doing so the 1's on the corners are divided in half.
Keep on folding to the back the rest of the dollar bill. The strip of the dollar bill with the inscription should only be the one visible.
Here's a tip: If you want a taller and leaner cross like our sample image above, fold the dollar bill into a slimmer strip before proceeding to the next step.
Fold the left and right side to the back along the dashed lines.
Do a Reverse Fold on the Right Edge
Fold the right side diagonally upwards as shown above. Crease it well then unfold.
Make a reverse fold: Pry open the layers of the right side.
As you pry open the right side bring it to the top in a diagonal direction.
Once you have made a reverse fold, the dollar origami should look like this.
Now flip the dollar bill over.
Finishing Steps
Fold downwards the left top strip.
Tuck the top strip nicely and then flip the dollar bill to the back.
Bring the left edge to the right side.
Make another reverse fold layer on the topmost layer. Direct it to the bottom and make sure to align it to the top strip.
Flip the dollar bill over.
The dollar bill origami cross is now done!
Extra Tips
- Make sure to sanitize the dollar bills first - keep your hands clean.
- Have fun, have patience, and when you become a master at it don't be shy to share this fold to other people.
- You can iron the bill to remove unwanted creases.